Reflection Questions


Creative Critical Reflection

1.               1.How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social       groups or issues?

My commercial represents athletes and young adults. My commercials represents athletes because Nike is partly a athletic wear brand. They have running shoes, soccer cleats, and etc. My commercial also represents athletes because most of the Nike commercials show people working out or being active. I represented this in  my commercial by running with my Nike running shoes. I also represented this by walking up stairs and running down them. My commercial additionally represents young adults. My commercial represents young adults by showing my Nike Air forces.  Nike Air Forces are amongst one of the most popular shoes in this era. Almost every teenager or young adult has some sort of Nike Air Force ones. In my commercial I gave a 180 view of the shoes to show that you can get them in different color combinations and different styles. 

2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real media text?

My product engages with audiences by having upbeat music and movement. The upbeat music makes audiences feel motivated and energized wanting them to move and work out and be active. Due to this if they decide to be active they would need some Nike shoes in order to do that. The music also helps the commercial feel better and look better because it creates a energetic background to the video. This commercial would be distributed as a real media text online. This would be distributed online because most of the audiences that Nike tries to reach our athletes, young adults, like teenagers. Nike would have a better chance of getting audiences to engage with the product if this commercial was distributed online. Online can mean on social media platforms, on the Nike website, or in ads.

3.             3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

 My production skills developed a ton throughout this project. I would say this because this was my first project having to use my production skills. There were a lot of things in my commercial that I would do differently next time in my project. The lighting was lacking in some parts of my commercial and the third scene was a little bit shaky. But I felt as my video went on my production skills started to develop a little bit more. Like for the end I created a panoramic view andThe lighting and scenery were open and beautiful with lots of green in nature. I would’ve like to add a little bit of more scenery to the beginning of my video so it doesn’t look so bland. My production skills developed quite slowly throughout this project also. It took me quite a while to get a hang of the way of shooting and lighting and speed.I think that for my first project I did pretty good but overall there’s definitely room to improve.

 4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

I integrated technologies into this project by using an iPhone to shoot my video. I shot my video using their application called camera. In the beginning of my project I researched Nike ads using a hardware device like my computer and say also used search engines like Google. Additionally when it came to editing my video I use an iPad. On the iPad Iuse their application iMovie to edit and add in sound and export my commercial.




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