Comparing 9, the short, and 9, the full-length movie
For the short film it surprised me in a very big way. I very honestly did not think that it would be that good of a film being so short. I thought it would look goofy but it was great. It is one of the best things I have watched in such a small amount of time. If I would rate 1 through 10, I would probably give it a 9.
Like I said the plot is great so essentially it is about 9 the Main character. The build up is that first he has something flash, giving him a warning and then he has a flashback which has an amazing special effect to it Boom he is with 5 they both get alerts; and then they see this big monster which is like dog.5 then tells 9 to go hide so he proceeds to and attempts to fight him off all by himself dies and then the monster takes his soul away. You also see that on the monsters back is many number telling you that that 1-8 die. Which you see that he immediately gets and survival mode and he goes and deceives him. He achieves that and continues to outsmart him eventually killing him. His eye was one of the things that haces alerts which also contained souls. What he did with this is that he had his alert thing left but also the monsters eye was one. So.... He attached them and he brought them all back to life which the special effects there were incredible. The heightened feelings, The suspense, the excitement which made me almost fall of my seat gives you thriller vibes.
For the full length film you see how with much more time you obviously get a more finished product with much more detail.
Here you see almost the same plot and just better. You see the same thing with the monster killing someone but you also see the buildup with the scientists which makes 1-9. Which you don't know anything about the scientist in the short film. Also you get to see that in this version deaths are not only upon the dog it is upon many other robotic things. Which all have cool effects like lasers that come out of one to kill one of them. Teh directorial style is phenomenal it's weird but it works because with it being a thriller the suspense and that Shane Ackerman creates is absolutely phenomenal. You also got a lot of emotional things with the killings and the showing of their personality's sense they were talking.
The full length film had much more details and a much more developed plot but you did get a lot of what you wanted in a short amount of time in the short film. The full length film Had the scientist while and much more monster and killers in teh full length. The full length has 1-9 talking while the short film did not. So In this movie you also got personality's out of
1-9 it wasn't just simply what they did you also got attached to them. Making this one have an emotional side which made it more entertaining which made the second one not just a thriller but also a drama. I enjoyed the full length more because they were actually talking and doing many more things which is thought was very cool and took it to a different level.
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