Production blog: Filming at Lili’s


      On Tuesday, 23rd of November my group and I started filming at Lili’s house. At Lili’s house my group and I started filming the beginning of our video. But first we had to set up. Together in my group and I put the tripod stand up, closed all the curtains in the room, and made sure that the main character Angie changed. To begin with we had to change the camera settings after we set up. For a camera we used a iPhone. The settings on the video were 60fps and 4K recording. I additionally changed the exposure on the video. I lowered the exposure on the video settings because it created a sort of environment ambience that my group and I wanted to create. The exposure was only lowered in the beginning of the video. This is because the main character was sad and later on when the main characters friends come and cheer her up the exposure goes up. When this happens you can tell that’s when the emotion shifts in the music video. In the part where my group and I had to use all of us as actors. My sister named Hannah recorded all of us. During the third scene she started recording. At one point in the video my group and I needed a wide shot and the only way my sister could get a wide shot for our fifth scene was out the window. Due to this my sister had to climb out of the window and shoot from the backyard. My group and add additional he used a mini tripod stand to film are seen in the car. This is a scene where we’re just rotating the camera is not moved at all. And for the last scene my whole group, including me went inside a freezing cold pool to film and had a lot of fun.






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