Production blog: Sound Change

So we have decided to that instead of using the original sound of the song chosen before. Being “coaster”, we were going to ask a little favor from a friend. One of my friends from school named Titan. Titan is very artistic and could play the guitar. And last week I was thinking what if instead of remixing the song. We change the vibe to be acoustic. I have a feeling it goes more with the vibe of the short film. And I think at the ending we will add the lyrics to the song. I think it would be much better for us. I have yet to ask or discuss this with my group. Yet, I think it would be perfect. And I have a feeling Nicole and Macaria will like it too. And if they don’t I have a backup plan. Or plan b. Which is basically to just remix the song of coaster. Or we could also use the song “watch” by Billie Eilish. And I already found the song that is royalty free. Which is great. Furthermore, this idea was already spoken with Nicole so I know she would be on board with this backup plan....