
Showing posts from February, 2023

Production blog: Sound Change

 So we have decided to that instead of using the original sound of the song chosen before. Being “coaster”, we were going to ask a little favor from a friend. One of my friends from school named Titan. Titan is very artistic and could play the guitar. And last week I was thinking what if instead of remixing the song. We change the vibe to be acoustic. I have a feeling it goes more with the vibe of the short film. And I think at the ending we will add the lyrics to the song. I think it would be much better for us. I have yet to ask or discuss this with my group. Yet, I think it would be perfect. And I have a feeling Nicole and Macaria will like it too. And if they don’t I have a backup plan. Or plan b. Which is basically to just remix the song of coaster. Or we could also use the song “watch” by Billie Eilish. And I already found the song that is royalty free. Which is great. Furthermore, this idea was already spoken with Nicole so I know she would be on board with this backup plan....

Production blog: Setting up dates again

 So just like before all of us are extremely busy. We all had to make something work. If it was either miss work or practice. Or cut time from extra curricular activities. This time it was difficult again because Nicole had so many completions we couldn’t even film again in the month of February. But we decided on the date March 12th. It was exactly a month from the first filming day. Which was actually perfect. Because Nicole had no competitions or dance. Macaria was free and able to swing by. And I was at my moms house. I also get my license that same Friday just 2 days before. So it won’t be a hassle for my mom to drop me off or pick me up. Which is good because I wanted it to be easy for her. We also have a lacking group member in an our group. This group member does no work what so ever. It has me and Nicole very angry. However, we have decided to move past the anger and just not state when this all is taking place. Which is very good for us. It relives stress to just let it b...

Production blog: Filming Part One

 February Twelfth was the day was filming day. Originally we had the time setup for 12pm but Nicole had complications with getting a ride home from dance that Sunday. And she said her house was a mess so she had to clean up. I came at 12:30 to help her do that because it was a mess and she couldn’t do it alone. So we told Felipe and Macaria to be at the house by 1pm. They kinda showed up early. Anyways me and Nicole cleaned the house. It was super messy but it looked spotless by the end of it. They both got to the house and we talked for a minute. Then we got right to filming. First we filmed the breakup scene which was the hardest. Felipe was good though. I was the one laughing or messing up a line. We sat in his car for almost 2 hours rehearsing lines. We both did it naturally and improved it. It was just better that was so it would be smooth and not sound robotic. But it was quite awkward at times. But we ended doing really well together. And the next scene was the party scene t...

Production blog: Setting up our dates

 Right before the end of January my group and I all decided the dates of filming. We all mostly have a complicated schedules. Most of the group does sports and has a divided schedule due to separated parents. So we had to make sure everyone was available on the day of filming. And we also needed an extra actor to be the boyfriend of the main character. Nicole wasn’t available after 7 Monday through Saturday. I can not film Tuesday, Thursday, nor every other Friday or weekend. But I could film on specific weekends, Mondays and Wednesdays. Nicole also wasn’t going to be available through February 20 -28. So we had to make sure to film early. Macaria was always available. Except for Sunday and Saturday from 9 am to 1pm. To find the actor who would play the boyfriend of the main character we needed to find someone who was also free. Also to be free on the days we were. Nicole and I had asked many of our friends but none of them were able. And some were to afraid to be filmed. Our frien...

Production blog: Getting our sound

 Our group decided on using the song “coaster” by Khalid for our short film. The background music will be describing the feeling the main character is feeling. And lowering the music when actors speak or express feelings. So in order to not have this copyrighted we decided to email Khalid. Not only did we email his team, but I also messaged him on instagram. I wrote “Hey Khalid I am a high school student. I was wondering if I could have permission to use your song “Coaster” for a 5 minute short film that I am creating with my classmates/friends for our AICE Media Studies class. I would really appreciate it. It’s going to be about the 5 stages of heartbreak and pain. Your song matches the vibe perfectly. Thank you for your time.” to let him know what my group and I were going to use his song for. However, he did not answer so we are just going to remix it or find royalty free music. This song however, was perfect to describe the meaning through the short film. Just in case, all of t...

Storyboard of The Stages

  This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office . Here is the storyboard of The Stages our five-minute short film.