Production blog: Editing part two

Now I put in the the heartbreak scene. We are editing the scenes that each of us filmed on our phones. So honestly Nicole is editing most of the film. However, we are still in an argument so I am not really updated on everything. But for my scenes I did a lot. I put in the party scenes with Felipe. I only edited the exposure. Just to make it a little darker and to make it look realistic. Then I added the heartbreak scenes. I only made all the movement and voice to match the different angles. Because we have an over the shoulder and outside and inside shots. Where we say the same things. So we show different angles of the heartbreak. Just to immerse our viewers. Then I also added some of the sound. But I have to make sure my whole group is on the same page. Because not everyone liked the sound that we were using. So I am going to make sure afterwards that everything is good with my group. Just in case, so no arguments are caused again. I am going to keep trying to help my group fin...